The relevance of the research. The application of insecticides when applying drip irrigation is reasonable for the protection of tomatoes, grown in arid regions of southern Ukraine, against pests, in particular against the Colorado potato beetle. When cultivating these crops, farmers should follow the operation manual for chemicals use, which indicates the optimal time of insecticide application during the irrigation cycle.
Methods of the research. The use of insecticides along with drip irrigation in the form of local injections provides high efficiency in the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle control and prolongs a toxic effect of the chemically active ingredients compared to the common spraying method. Research investigation of the insecticides effectiveness against the Colorado potato beetle was carried out on Tomato sorts Lagidny, Kremenchugskiy. Insecticides were used in different ways: common spraying and applying with drip irrigation.
Research results. The greatest effectiveness against the Colorado potato beetle on 7th day after insecticides applying was noted on the variants Engeo 24.7% SC (93.1%), Coragen (91.9%) and Voliam Flexi 300 SC (90.3%). The highest efficacy was provided by the combined insecticide Voliam Flexi 300 SC (94.2%) that was applied with drip irrigation. Introduction of insecticides Voliam Flexi 300 SC, Confidor, 20% SL, Mospilan, 20% SP, Calypsо, 48 % SC and Actara 240 SC with water by drip irrigation ensured their high efficiency during 21 days or more, excluding the need for their repeated application.
Conclusions. The use of insecticides along with drip irrigation is a perspective area in plant protection and can be successfully used to control various insect pests of vegetable crops. Since many vegetable growers already use drip irrigation, it is easy and convenient to introduce pesticides in their irrigation systems by adding a pump for injection and the necessary equipment for the introduction of soluble pesticides (switches, check valves, etc.).
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