Keywords: irrigation, flooding, drainage, groundwater levels, terrain relief, runoff


The relevance of the research. In the southern region of Ukraine, the long-term irrigation in poorly drained territories results in an intensive uplift of ground water levels, the development of flood processes, salinization of soils and groundwater in irrigated and adjacent areas, which in turn led to the need of constructing  engineering drainage systems and monitoring the hydrogeological and land reclamation situation.

 In the work the mechanism of flooding and under flooding processes in the irrigation zone on the areas free of drainage is established, the state of the hydro-geological and land reclamation situation is assessed, the efficiency of the vertical drainage operation is determined, and the improved drainage system designs are presented.

Methods of the research.The research was carried out at the research and production site with the area of 8500 hectares, located in the village of Podo-Kalinovka, Oleshkovsky district of Kherson region, within the irrigation zone of the North Crimean Canal. Assessment of flooding risks, their spatial distribution and efficiency of drainage systems were determined based on the results of the analysis of regime observations of the Kakhovka hydrogeological and land reclamation batch and operational data.

Research results. The generalization of the research results and experience in combating floods has shown that the main causes of flooding in the research area are the following: excessive rainfall, accumulation of surface runoff in the lowlands, groundwater resistance from the main aquifer, water filtration from the reservoir and canals, infiltration on irrigated lands, losses from water supply systems, lack or insufficient operation of drainage systems of surface runoff, insufficient operation of vertical drainage.

Conclusions. To solve the problem of flooding, an improved design of a drainage system was developed, which includes a network of open and closed collectors for the accumulation of surface runoff and the reduction of WGH to the values below the critical ones. The system involves connecting the vertical drainage to the well and removing excess water from the settlement and adjacent  territories to the North Crimean Canal through a pressure pipeline.

Author Biography

O. I. Kharlamov, Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of NAAS, Kyiv, Ukraine



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How to Cite
Kharlamov, O. (2018). RISKS OF FLOODING AND THE WAYS OF THEIR REDUCTION IN THE IRRIGATION ZONE OF THE NORTH-CRIMEAN CANAL. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 108(2), 47 - 52. https://doi.org/10.31073/mivg20180108-143

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