Assessment of the ecological state of the surface waters of the Gapa River

  • A. V. Yatsyk
  • І. V. Hopchak Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS
  • T. O. Basyuk
Keywords: river, surface waters, integral index, ecological assesment


An ecological assessment of the current state of water quality in the Gapa River was carried out on the basis of the classification of the quality of surface waters of the in three blocks of indicators: salt composition, tropho-saprobiological (ecology-sanitary) indicators and specific toxic substances. The value of the integral (ecological) index is determined.

It is established that the surface waters of the Gapa River correspond to Class II of the 3rd category of water quality and are characterized as «good» by status and «sufficiently clean» in terms of purity.

Author Biographies

І. V. Hopchak, Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS


T. O. Basyuk



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How to Cite
Yatsyk, A., HopchakІ., & Basyuk, T. (2017). Assessment of the ecological state of the surface waters of the Gapa River. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 105(1), 35 - 38. Retrieved from

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