Keywords: consumption reduction, water resources, energy resources, irrigation, resource-based optimization


The need for further development of irrigation practices on the basis of nature oriented and ecologically efficient solutions is considered primarily regarding the saving of water and energy resources for the adaptation of irrigated agricultural production to the current global challenges and threats, the achievement of sustainable development goals. It is shown that there is an objective need to change methodological approaches to the assessment of overall efficiency and justification of optimal solutions in design, reconstruction, and operation projects of irrigation systems based on the principles of resource optimization. On the basis of the indicator of the level of irrigation sufficiency (introduced by the authors), which reflects the reduction of the studied watering and irrigation rates in relation to their design values, a study of the impact of reducing the use of water and energy resources under different modes of sprinkler irrigation on the corresponding decrease in the level of cultivated crops productivity was carried out. At the same time, it was experimentally determined that the intensity (rate) of the decrease in the cultivated crops productivity, which occurs due to the decrease in the usage of water and energy resources during the application of irrigation, is significantly lower than the intensity (rate) of the decrease in the usage of the resources themselves. The studied options for reducing the consumption on water and energy resources as a whole turned out to be economically profitable when with a decrease in water and electricity usage by 27–48% there is more than two times lower decrease in the costs of gross products by 10,80–18,06% with the achievement of a net income of 11,4 to 5,7 thousand UAH. The influence of various options of reducing water and electricity consumption on the discounted investment payback period shows that several options may be acceptable, for which the investment payback period does not exceed 10 years, and the choice of the optimal solution requires taking into account the conditions of a specific object, limitations of water resources, and the interests of investors and land users. At the same time, the ecological component of the overall efficiency of irrigation practices consists in the decrease in the use of water and energy resources that a priori reflects the decrease in the negative impact of irrigation on the environment. Thus, reducing the usage of water and energy resources is a fully justified decision on the way to adapt irrigated agriculture production to the modern conditions and requirements, and the presented results can be a scientific basis for the implementation of this approach while practically applying irrigation.

Author Biographies

V. A. Stashuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, 33000, Rivne, Ukraine

Dr. of Technical Sciences

A. M. Rokochynskyi, National University of Water and Environment Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine

Dr. of Technical Sciences

N. V. Prykhodko, National University of Water and Environment Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine

Ph.D. in Technical Sciences

P. P. Volk, National University of Water and Environment Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine

Dr. of Technical Sciences

R. M. Koptiuk, National University of Water and Environment Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine

Ph.D. in Technical Sciences

N. A. Frolenkova, National University of Water and Environment Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine

Ph.D. in Economic Sciences

L. R. Volk, National University of Water and Environment Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine

Ph.D. in Technical Sciences


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How to Cite
Stashuk, V., Rokochynskyi, A., Prykhodko, N., Volk, P., Koptiuk, R., Frolenkova, N., & Volk, L. (2024). REDUCING OF WATER AND ENERGY RESOURCES CONSUMPTION IN IRRIGATION BASED ON RESOURCE OPTIMISATION. Land Reclamation and Water Management, (1), 31 - 41.

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