Modern modified concrete for repair and reconstruction of hydraulic structures

  • O. V. Kovalenko Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS
Keywords: modified concrete, self-compacting concrete, additives-modifiers, physical and mechanical properties, technological properties, experimental-statistical models


The modern state in the field of creation and application of modified concrete with high technological and physical-mechanical properties is analyzed. The results of studies of the properties of concrete modified with polycarboxylate superplasticizer, metakaolin, polymer latex and polypropylene fiber are described and prospects of its use as a material for repair and reconstruction of hydraulic structures of the water management and meliorative complex are determined.

Author Biography

O. V. Kovalenko, Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS



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How to Cite
Kovalenko, O. (2017). Modern modified concrete for repair and reconstruction of hydraulic structures. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 105(1), 107 - 112. Retrieved from

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