Modern agricultural land use humid zone Ukraine

  • L. V. Datsko Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS
Keywords: rubber zone, crop yields, mineral and organic fertilizers, agricultural land, livestock breeding


The article according to statistical reports analyzed the features of agricultural production on lands of the humid zone. It was found that over the past 25 years, the area of arable land in this area has decreased by 1.9 and arable land — 1.2 million hectares, while the level of plowing land is 71%. In 2014, in the structure of sown areas most of the arable land (51%) was allotted for cereals and legumes, 25% — for technical, 13% — fodder crops, and 11% — potatoes, vegetables and melons. In comparison with 1990 square sunflower in the humid zone increased by 24 times, grain maize — 6, rape — 4 times. But decreased the area under wheat, fruits and berries, flax, forage crops, etc. Almost in the last 25 years have seen an increase in yields of almost all crops, which is associated with the cultivation of more productive varieties and hybrids, and climate change. Also during this period the number of cattle in the humid zone decreased by 5.5 times, mineral fertilizers — by 4.5 times, and organic fertilizers — by 13 times.

Author Biography

L. V. Datsko, Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS



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How to Cite
Datsko, L. (2016). Modern agricultural land use humid zone Ukraine. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 103(1), 41 - 47. Retrieved from

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