Сервіс Unicheck дозволяє відшукати плагіат

Unicheck offers similarities, citations, and references search and recognition in the texts. It can also discover characters that have been replaced in the text from another alphabet. For example, similar characters from Cyrillic and Latin alphabets. To find similarities and paraphrase, checks are performed against the Internet (web pages indexed by Yahoo and Google), open source repositories, and user’s internal library or database. The check results are presented in similarity report, where each of the similarity that has been found has a link to the source. These reports can be downloaded in a PDF document.

Unicheck can be used as a stand-alone online tool, or integrated into LMS (Learning Management System) via pluginLTIAPI or LTI+API types of integrations.

Unicheck is compatible with the following file formats: .doc.docx.rtf.txt.odt.ppt.pptx.html.pdf.pages.gdoc, as well as rar and zip archives, and files uploaded from Google DriveoneDriveDropbox.[10] Unicheck allows to store documents in users’ internal library. Global settings allow to configure check sensitivity and if users want to share their checked documents with Unicheck’s database.[10] Each newly signed up user receives 5 trial pages.