System approach to the estimation of the operation of reclamation systems in Ukraine
Relevance. The diversity and complexity of the problems currently existing in the water sector of Ukraine, in particular in the irrigation and drainage sector, the need to adapt the agrarian sector to the current conditions of market and natural environment requires extensive use of the methods of system analysis in carrying out research to determine the ways of solving these problems and strategic directions of sustainable development.
The purpose of the research is to analyze the trends of the current stage of the functioning of the irrigation and drainage systems of Ukraine with the use of methods of system analysis and the establishment of basic regularities of the functioning of reclamation systems.
The article analyzes the use of methods of system analysis in studying the trends and problems that exist in the irrigation and drainage sector in Ukraine. The basic concepts and regularities of the theory of systems and system analysis, which are decisive for the management of techno-technological and socio-economic objects of management in land reclamation, are revealed. The main factors of development and specificity of the existence of reclamation systems at the present stage are investigated and analyzed and the main regularities of their functioning are established. The current stage in the development of land reclamation agriculture in Ukraine is exacerbated by a number of global geopolitical challenges and requires a scientifically sound approach to the development and implementation of well-considered measures to build the capacity of existing irrigation and drainage systems.
Conclusions. The current stage in the development of land reclamation agriculture in Ukraine is exacerbated by global geopolitical challenges and requires a scientifically sound approach to the development and implementation of prudent measures to build the capacity of existing irrigation and drainage systems. Application in the research of system analysis enables to ensure the harmonized existence of all components of the reclamation system and to establish a number of regularities of their functioning for further development.
A radical change requires a mechanism for managing water resources and land reclamation, improving the legislative and normative-methodological basis, and creating conditions for attracting investment for restoration and modernization of engineering infrastructure in order to achieve sustainable development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine's economy.
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