Methodological features of the concept of water use system management using basin principle

  • P Kovalchuk
  • R Kovalenko
  • H Balykhina
Keywords: system management, integrated management, hierarchical approach, economic and environmental objectives, information technologies


Topicality of the research. The system management is proposed for supporting a process chain of the selection and implementation of systematically interconnected solutions and actions, which are coordinated by goals, tasks, terms, resources to achieve certain changes within the managed object. The purpose of the research is investigation of the specific methodological aspects of the system management concept for the development and implementation of integrated water resources management using basin principle.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were solved:

  • the integrated approaches for water management within river basin and their implementation in river basin management plans were defined;
  • the structural-functional scheme of system management when a river basin is considered as an overall system and object for management in conditions of sustainable development as well as adaptive approach for control were indicated;
  • Information technologies are proposed for implementation of decision support system.

Research methods and techniques. The main types of integrated approaches in the management of the river basin are proposed, in particular: hierarchical approach; integrated approach using basin principle; integration by type of control; integration of control by economic and environmental objectives.

A hierarchical approach involves subordination of subsystems of the lower level of the hierarchy to subsystems of a higher level. The three-level system is defined when the first level of the hierarchy is technological control, providing technical and technological modern solutions in the process of functioning of the water management complex in the river basin; the second level of the hierarchy combines the economic and ecological subsystems of water use, which set the goals of effective economic functioning of the object and achieve its good ecological state; the third level of the hierarchy is the organizational subsystem.

An integrated approach for resource management is considered as "a process that contributes to the coordinated development and management of water, land and other resources in order to achieve maximum socio-economic well-being on an equitable basis without causing damage to sustainability of vital ecosystems."

An integrated approach for river basin management is based on coordinated action to achieve certain useful changes or changes in the control system. Within basin system distinguish a combination of the following control types: behavior control, characteristics control, structure control, control of development.

The integrated control in the context of sustainable development involves formulation of the system of ecological and environmental objectives and their realization is necessary in the management process.

The structural-functional scheme of system control is presented. During implementation the Water Management Plans within river basin it is recommended to use information technology. The structural-functional scheme shows inverse relationships for adaptive realization of the river basin management plans. In addition, the basin is considered as an integrated system with boundary fixation, monitoring studies, internal and external links, resources and management objectives.

Research results and main conclusions. The proposed methodological features of the concept on water use system management using basin principle provides developing of measures for river basin management plans according to the current provisions of the EU Directive to ensure economic growth and achieving a good ecological state.

The concept of system management involves the using of integrated approaches for drawing up river basin management plans, and the implementation of these plans should be based on information technology, scenario analysis and management


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How to Cite
Kovalchuk, P., Kovalenko, R., & Balykhina, H. (2018). Methodological features of the concept of water use system management using basin principle. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 107(1), 17 - 23.

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