Features of formation of training program results for the applicants of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education on a specialty «hydraulic engineering, water engineering and water technologies»
Relevance of research. The reform of higher education in Ukraine is to create a system to ensure and constantly improve its quality, which meets the recommendations and standards of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), takes into account international best practices and provides for the development of a new generation standards based on a competent approach.
Objective of research. It is necessary to create a substantiated system of competencies and training program results, combining a scientific and methodological approach that takes into account the needs of stakeholders: higher education applicants, employers, society and the state.
Methods and techniques of research. Approbation of the training of applicants for the first (bachelor) level of higher education according to the formed list of training program results on a specialty is conducted in National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, according to the corresponding educational and professional program, which has been certified for the first time in 2020.
Results of research and conclusions. On the example of the formation of training program results of the applicants for the first (bachelor) level of higher education on the specialty 194 "Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technology", we tried to show how to take into account the suitability of graduates for the employment by the professional titles of jobs corresponding to the level of "Specialists" in National Classification of Jobs (DK 003: 2010). The correspondence of professional titles of jobs and professions according to DK 003: 2010 to the International Standard Classification of Jobs (ISCO-08) is given. The article evaluates the suitability of a university graduate to perform professional tasks and responsibilities defined in the qualification characteristics and job descriptions of specialists in the field of water management, in comparison with the program results of higher education received by the graduate. In continuation of the discussion on the search for perspective approaches to the formation of a modern technical specialist, we consider that one of the important mechanisms is the production practice and personalized implementation of course design and bachelor's project. All that will form the necessary program results of the graduate's education, develop the personality of the young specialist and allow him to socialize successfully, conduct professional and / or further educational activities.
Prospects. The comparison given in the article shows the importance of the formation of training program results in the standards of higher education, taking into account the requirements of the specific profession for which the higher education applicant is preparing. These requirements are defined in the qualifications and job descriptions. A high school graduate, having got the first job, must demonstrate training program results that will allow him to perform tasks and responsibilities in accordance with job descriptions.
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