State and ways of enhancing the water supply of the southern region of Ukraine by using the water resources of the Danube river
water security, water resources, water supply, irrigation, groundwater, surface water, river runoff, structure of water use, typization
The current state of water supply in the south of Ukraine with local and transit water resources, the forecast territorial and sectorial imbalance between their availability and need for them, as well as expediency and possibility of increasing water availability of the population and sectors of the economy, water security of the region through the use of the waters of the Danube River are considered.
1. Doroguntsov SI Water resources of Ukraine (problems of theory and methodology): Monograph / S.I. Doroguntsov, MA Khvesik, IL Golovinsky-K .: View. polygraph Center «Kyiv University», 2002 — 227 pp.
2. Danilov-Danilian V.I. Water Consumption: Environmental, Economic, Social and Political Aspects / VI Danilov-Danilian, K.S. Losev — Moscow: Nauka, 2006 — 221 p.
3. Safety of water resources in the global dimension: [monograph] / [for co. Ed. MA. Hwsika] — K .: Institute of Natural Resources Economics and Sustainable Development of NASU, 2013. — 500s.
4. Water resources at the turn of the XX century: problems of rational use of protection and reproduction / Ed. MA. Hwsika — K .: RVPS of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2005. — 568 p.
5. Scientific principles of rational use of water resources of Ukraine according to basin principle / V.A. Stashuk, V.B. Mokin, VV Grebin, O.V. Chunarev / Ed. VA Stashku — Kherson. — 2014. — 320s.
6. Indicators and Indices for decision-making in water resource management. Water strategy for man. Newsletter ISSUE 4. JAN-MAR 2004. Available at URL: Indicators.htm.
7. Vishnevsky V.I. Rivers and reservoirs of Ukraine. Condition and use: Monograph / VI Vishnevsky — K .: Vispol, 2000. — 376 pp.
8. Chumak Yu.Yu. Household and drinking water supply and the state of surface water bodies in Ukraine / Yu.Yu. Chumak, MV Zubko, R.A. Homeland // Current issues of hygiene and ecological safety of Ukraine. Collection of abstracts of reports of sciences.-Practice-conf. (twentieth Marseev’s reading). — Whip 16. — (October 20-21, 2016). — K .: 2016. — S.200-202.
9. Potable water supply: assessment of quality and directions for its improvement / in sciences. Ed. T.P. Galushkina — Odessa — Saki: PE «Enterprise Phoenix», 2010. — 44 p.
10. Ecological audit of water management systems / Ed. T.P. Galushkina / Institute for Market Problems and Economic and Environmental Research. — Odesa-Saki: PE «Enterprise Phoenix», 2010. — 402 p.
11. Assessment of possible changes of water resources of local drainage in Ukraine in the XXI century / S. Snizhko, M. Yatsyuk, I. Kuprikov and others. // The water economy of Ukraine. — 2012. — No. 6. — pp. 8-16.
12. Cherednichenko Yu.G. Ways of solving the problem of providing population with drinking water quality / Yu.G. Cherednichenko // Sustainable development and ecological safety of society in economic transformations: materials of the third Allukr. sciences — practice conf. 15-16 september 2011, Bakhchisaray. — Simf.: Fenix, 2011. — p.293-295.
13. Romashchenko MI Irrigated land in Ukraine. Condition and ways to improve / MI Romashchenko, SA Balyuk.- K .: World, 2000. — 112 p.
14. Romashchenko MI Scientific principles of land irrigation development in Ukraine. — K .: Agrarian Science, 2012. — 28 p.
15. Handbook on water resources / Pod. Ed. WOULD. Sagittarius — K.: Harvest, 1987. — 304p.
16. Shereshevsky AI Water Resources of Ukraine / AI Shereshevsky, L.K. Sinitskaya // Reclamation and water management. — 2006. — Vip. 93-94. — p. 52-57.
17. Mineral resources of Ukraine. Yearbook. — K .: State Research and Production Enterprise «State Information Geological Fund of Ukraine», 2014. — pp. 248-253. — Access: pdf
18. Concept of Irrigation Recovery and Development in the Southern Region of Ukraine. — K: CP «Komprint», 2014 — 28 p.
19. Temporary raioned water crop requirements for irrigation by sprinkling: recommendations. — K .: Agrarian Science, 2015. — 24 p.
20. Temporary water requirements for drip irrigation of agricultural crops under the conditions of the Ukrainian Steppe (Recommendations). — K .: CP «Komprint», 2015. — 20 p.
21. The transformation of our world: An Agenda for Sustainable Development for the period up to 2030. Resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on September 25, 2015. — Access: OpenElement.
22. Concept of micro-irrigation development in Ukraine till 2020 — K .: LLC DIA, 2012. — 20p.
23. Ponomarenko V.D. Selection of the route of inter-basin transfer of runoff (on the example of the Danube-Dnepr canal) / VD Ponomarenko // Hydrotechnics and melioration. — 1982. — No. 8. — P. 34-38.
24. Romanenko V.D. Environmental problems of inter-basin flow discharges / VD Romanenko, O.P. Oksiyuk, VN Zhukinsky et al. — K .: Scientific Opinion, 1984. — 256 pp.
25. Karuk B.P. Ways of realization of measures on improvement of water supply of Ukrainian SSR / BP Karuk — Problems of rational use, protection and reproduction of water resources in the Ukrainian SSR. — Tez. reports of rep. n.t. conf. — K .: AN USSR, Ministry of Water Resources of the USSR, 1980. — P. 32-34.
2. Danilov-Danilian V.I. Water Consumption: Environmental, Economic, Social and Political Aspects / VI Danilov-Danilian, K.S. Losev — Moscow: Nauka, 2006 — 221 p.
3. Safety of water resources in the global dimension: [monograph] / [for co. Ed. MA. Hwsika] — K .: Institute of Natural Resources Economics and Sustainable Development of NASU, 2013. — 500s.
4. Water resources at the turn of the XX century: problems of rational use of protection and reproduction / Ed. MA. Hwsika — K .: RVPS of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2005. — 568 p.
5. Scientific principles of rational use of water resources of Ukraine according to basin principle / V.A. Stashuk, V.B. Mokin, VV Grebin, O.V. Chunarev / Ed. VA Stashku — Kherson. — 2014. — 320s.
6. Indicators and Indices for decision-making in water resource management. Water strategy for man. Newsletter ISSUE 4. JAN-MAR 2004. Available at URL: Indicators.htm.
7. Vishnevsky V.I. Rivers and reservoirs of Ukraine. Condition and use: Monograph / VI Vishnevsky — K .: Vispol, 2000. — 376 pp.
8. Chumak Yu.Yu. Household and drinking water supply and the state of surface water bodies in Ukraine / Yu.Yu. Chumak, MV Zubko, R.A. Homeland // Current issues of hygiene and ecological safety of Ukraine. Collection of abstracts of reports of sciences.-Practice-conf. (twentieth Marseev’s reading). — Whip 16. — (October 20-21, 2016). — K .: 2016. — S.200-202.
9. Potable water supply: assessment of quality and directions for its improvement / in sciences. Ed. T.P. Galushkina — Odessa — Saki: PE «Enterprise Phoenix», 2010. — 44 p.
10. Ecological audit of water management systems / Ed. T.P. Galushkina / Institute for Market Problems and Economic and Environmental Research. — Odesa-Saki: PE «Enterprise Phoenix», 2010. — 402 p.
11. Assessment of possible changes of water resources of local drainage in Ukraine in the XXI century / S. Snizhko, M. Yatsyuk, I. Kuprikov and others. // The water economy of Ukraine. — 2012. — No. 6. — pp. 8-16.
12. Cherednichenko Yu.G. Ways of solving the problem of providing population with drinking water quality / Yu.G. Cherednichenko // Sustainable development and ecological safety of society in economic transformations: materials of the third Allukr. sciences — practice conf. 15-16 september 2011, Bakhchisaray. — Simf.: Fenix, 2011. — p.293-295.
13. Romashchenko MI Irrigated land in Ukraine. Condition and ways to improve / MI Romashchenko, SA Balyuk.- K .: World, 2000. — 112 p.
14. Romashchenko MI Scientific principles of land irrigation development in Ukraine. — K .: Agrarian Science, 2012. — 28 p.
15. Handbook on water resources / Pod. Ed. WOULD. Sagittarius — K.: Harvest, 1987. — 304p.
16. Shereshevsky AI Water Resources of Ukraine / AI Shereshevsky, L.K. Sinitskaya // Reclamation and water management. — 2006. — Vip. 93-94. — p. 52-57.
17. Mineral resources of Ukraine. Yearbook. — K .: State Research and Production Enterprise «State Information Geological Fund of Ukraine», 2014. — pp. 248-253. — Access: pdf
18. Concept of Irrigation Recovery and Development in the Southern Region of Ukraine. — K: CP «Komprint», 2014 — 28 p.
19. Temporary raioned water crop requirements for irrigation by sprinkling: recommendations. — K .: Agrarian Science, 2015. — 24 p.
20. Temporary water requirements for drip irrigation of agricultural crops under the conditions of the Ukrainian Steppe (Recommendations). — K .: CP «Komprint», 2015. — 20 p.
21. The transformation of our world: An Agenda for Sustainable Development for the period up to 2030. Resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on September 25, 2015. — Access: OpenElement.
22. Concept of micro-irrigation development in Ukraine till 2020 — K .: LLC DIA, 2012. — 20p.
23. Ponomarenko V.D. Selection of the route of inter-basin transfer of runoff (on the example of the Danube-Dnepr canal) / VD Ponomarenko // Hydrotechnics and melioration. — 1982. — No. 8. — P. 34-38.
24. Romanenko V.D. Environmental problems of inter-basin flow discharges / VD Romanenko, O.P. Oksiyuk, VN Zhukinsky et al. — K .: Scientific Opinion, 1984. — 256 pp.
25. Karuk B.P. Ways of realization of measures on improvement of water supply of Ukrainian SSR / BP Karuk — Problems of rational use, protection and reproduction of water resources in the Ukrainian SSR. — Tez. reports of rep. n.t. conf. — K .: AN USSR, Ministry of Water Resources of the USSR, 1980. — P. 32-34.
How to Cite
Romaschenko, M., Shevchenko, A., & Lyutnytskyi, S. (2017). State and ways of enhancing the water supply of the southern region of Ukraine by using the water resources of the Danube river. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 105(1), 3 - 11. Retrieved from