Can endophyte-infected tall fescue minimize the grass tetany risk?

  • H. Rahman Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences, The University of Barishal, Barishal 8254, Bangladesh
  • S. Saiga Department of Plant Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University, Morioka 020-8550, Japan,
  • S. Sabreen The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Iwate University, Morioka 020-8550, Japan
  • R. Islam Soil, Water and Bioenergy Resources, The Ohio State University South Centers, Piketon, OH 45661, USA
Keywords: Andisol, Cool season grass, Biologically modified plant, Ecotype, Neotyphodium coenophialum


Non-toxic Neotyphodium (novel endophyte) has been shown to provide similar agronomic performance as wild-type endophyte to deter pathogens without exerting adverse effects on livestock. While the grass/novel endophyte interaction does not synthesize alkaloid peramine that has been linked to mammal toxicity, the connection between wild (naturally occurring) and/or novel endophyte infection and tetany ratio in forage has not been evaluated. The risk of grass tetany was evaluated in naturally occurring endophyte-infected tall fescue grass grown in Japanese Andisol. Three tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) ecotypes (Fukaura, Koiwai and Showa) either infected with Neotyphodium coenophialum (Morgan-Jones and Gams) Glenn, Bacon and Hanlin (E+), or noninfected (E-) were grown in low phosphorus (P) availability black Andisol and high P availability red Andisol under a controlled environment. The biomass nutrient concentration was measured and the tetany ratio, K/(Ca+Mg), was established for all three fescue ecotypes.

Results showed that K, Ca, and Mg concentrations and the K/(Ca+Mg) were significantly affected by endophytes, soils, and ecotypes and their interactions. Regardless of ecotypes and soils, K, Ca, and Mg concentrations were higher in endophyte-infected plants when compared to the control. Among the endophyte-infected ecotypes, the Fukaura and Koiwai showed higher K, Ca, and Mg concentrations in red Andisol. In contrast, the Showa ecotype showed higher K, Ca, and Mg concentrations in endophyte-infected plants than the control in black Andisol. Notwithstanding ecotypes and soils, endophyte-infected plants showed lower K/(Ca+Mg) than their counterparts, suggesting that the grass/endophyte interaction could provide a means of reducing the incidence of grass tetany in livestock.


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How to Cite
Rahman, H., Saiga, S., Sabreen, S., & Islam, R. (2022). Can endophyte-infected tall fescue minimize the grass tetany risk?. Land Reclamation and Water Management, (1), 71 - 80.

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