The system of protecting territories from the harmful effects of water using vertical drainage in the zone of the North Crimean Canal of the Kherson region was considered and the proposals for its improvement by creating additional horizontal drainage systems with gravity drainage were substantiated. Field drainage studies were carried out at 8 research and production sites with a total area of 4763 hectares and a term of operation of 48-55 years and more. The conducted studies included surveying the drainage in the areas, measuring the drainage flow and the depth of groundwater levels, and determining work efficiency. The research covered the settlements: Chornyanka, Nova Mayachka, Stara Mayachka, Podo-Kalynivka, Tarasivka, Velyki Kopani, Kalanchak, and Skadovsk, for the protection of which 119 water intake wells with a depth of 26-70 m were installed. It is shown that vertical drainage is effective during the whole operation and periods of selective work when the groundwater levels were at depths of 2-3 m and 1-2 m, respectively. To ensure reliable protection of territories from waterlogging and flooding in current conditions due to the impossibility and economic impracticability of restoring the operation of all existing vertical drainage wells, it is proposed to supplement the existing protection systems based on it with systems of closed horizontal drainage of the gravity type with low-sloping and non-sloping drainage. The area of additional horizontal drainage is about 40 thousand hectares, the estimated length of the collector and drainage network is 456 km, and the depth of laying drains and collectors is 2,5-11,0 m.
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