Keywords: agriculture, pollution, soil damage, erosion, heavy metal, oil spill, landmine


The russian invasion of Ukraine has resulted in extensive environmental damage, significantly affecting the country’s soil quality and raising concerns about long-term agricultural sustainability and environmental health. The war has resulted in soil degradation through contamination by military operations, destruction of farmland, and disruption of natural ecosystems. The objective of the research is to evaluate the environmental consequences of the war in Ukraine, with a particular emphasis on soil degradation and the development of strategies for post-war restoration. The manuscript will entail a comprehensive review of existing literature on soil degradation and post-war environmental restoration, with a particular focus on case studies from conflict zones such as Vietnam, the Balkans, and post-Second World War Europe. Furthermore, an analysis of data from Ukrainian government agencies, environmental organizations, and international bodies will be conducted to assess the extent and nature of soil damage caused by the war. To achieve effective recovery of its soils and ecosystems, Ukraine can draw on global experiences and implement long-term strategies combining modern decontamination technologies, sustainable agricultural practices and policy reforms that promote ecological resilience. Environmental, social, and economic factors must be integrated into the country’s post-war recovery strategy. It is imperative that international cooperation and investment in environmental restoration, in conjunction with community involvement, are pursued in order to guarantee the success of these endeavours and to provide Ukraine with the support it requires in order to achieve a sustainable and resilient agricultural future. The research provides a foundation for the development of integrated strategies that leverage global lessons, thereby ensuring long-term recovery for Ukraine’s soil and agricultural systems.

Author Biography

N. O. Didenko, Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of NAAS, Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine

Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher


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How to Cite
Didenko, N. (2024). SOIL DAMAGE AND RECOVERY IN UKRAINE: LESSONS FROM GLOBAL POST-WAR EXPERIENCES. Land Reclamation and Water Management, (2), 79 - 86.

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