Conceptual approaches to increasing the investment attractiveness in water resources and land reclamation infrastructure should be adapted to solving the problems facing states and societies, including measures to ensure sustainable economic development and environmental protection. The implementation of investment and infrastructure projects is provided for by the Irrigation and Drainage Development Strategy until 2030 and is becoming relevant in solving the problems of the Ukrainian economy. Implementing a tariff policy will allow for maintaining land reclamation infrastructure in working condition, reducing the energy intensity of water supply for irrigation, establishing technological integrity of water use, etc. Such tasks draw attention to increasing the function of tariffs as one of the sources of covering investments in water infrastructure. A general trend in solving problems can be considered a broad view of problems, lower risk, and higher management reliability.
The article critically analyzes the experience of using irrigated lands based on the introduction of tariffs, given the investment component of tariffs and the use of mobilized funds for investment activities. Productive and inefficient principles of tariff formation are shown, and the importance of land reclamation infrastructure and current directions of financing irrigation infrastructure in EU countries are revealed through compliance with the requirement of targeted funds spending for infrastructure facilities.
Based on the risk classification, the significance and impact of risks in the operation of land reclamation systems in market conditions are given; the main components of tariff formation in irrigation water supply services, which include investments in improving land reclamation infrastructure, are outlined; contents of the investment component in the activities of water user organizations (WUO) is indicated, and the ways for the return on investment in land reclamation infrastructure in Ukraine are outlined. Ukraine's experience in successfully using the irrigation potential through a tariff policy for water supply can serve as an example for other countries.
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