The weather is one of the determining factors in crop productivity. The purpose of this publication is to experimentally confirm and highlight the mechanism of the emergence of the dynamics of pore solution’s chemical composition and its thermodynamic accessibility to plants during the interaction of black soil with thermodynamic weather factors in the daily cycle. It has been established that the dynamics of availability should be sought precisely in the daily cycle of soil interaction with the environment. The basis of experimental laboratory research was the thermodynamic hydrophysical method. Samples of typical light loamy black soil of undisturbed structure from the Obukhiv district of the Kyiv region were studied. The studies have found that the emergence of the dynamics of thermodynamic accessibility of the pore solution and its chemical composition is ensured by subordinate processes that occur in the soil under the influence of cyclic environmental factors - temperature, atmospheric pressure, and moisture saturation. During the laboratory experiments, reproducible dynamics of the chemical composition of the pore solution were obtained in the daily range of changes in the specified factors. It is likely that the formation of such dynamics in three cycles of desorption - sorption is provided by all five categories of soil absorption capacity. The chemical composition of the pore solution is functionally related to the heterogeneity parameter of soil environment, which is determined by the thermodynamic potential of moisture. Among the components of the chemical composition, the dynamics of the content of nitrate ions (NO3-), as one of the most important biogenic compounds, deserves an increased attention. The unique dynamics of NO3- content consists in its increase as the heterogeneity (desorption) of the soil (soil moisture) increases, approximately to the values of field capacity. This is explained by the specific behavior of these ions, which have a negative adsorption capacity (physical absorption capacity), between the two surfaces: solid particles-liquid and liquid-air, namely their concentration near the surface of separation in contact with the atmosphere. For structured soil with the presence of trapped air in macropores, nitrate ions are protected from leaching by the flow of moisture and are released into the pore solution in a volley when the macropores open, which is important for the conditions of nitrogen nutrition of plants. The conducted research outlines a whole section of thermodynamic research of soils with undisturbed structure, the implementation of which will result in parametric models for ensuring the production process of plants.
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