Keywords: water purification, ammonium, nitrites, nitrates, pulsed electrolysis, adaptive power source, current form, adaptation


Water purification from ammonium nitrogen is currently an urgent task for protecting drinking water sources and ensuring the required water quality for consumers in various sectors of the Ukrainian economy. The technological approaches covered in this article can be used to remove other ammonium-based compounds from water. The obtained results of the adaptive water purification system (AWPS) with a simulated highly concentrated aqueous ammonium solution (1,16 g/dm3) suggest their use in water purification technologies from hydrobionts and side-products of biogas systems (digestat purification). Pulsed electrochemical methods were used in the operation of the AWPS in combination with ultrasonic exposure on oxidation-reduction processes with controlled injection of gas mixtures. A high correlation between all the variables studied was established. The same was confirmed by the regression analysis made in the process of empirical modeling of the relationship between the treatment time and the change in pH and in the concentrations of ammonium nitrogen, nitrates and nitrites. That is, all the indicators of multiple correlation and determination in the constructed significant models indicate a very high correlation with the treatment time. The decrease in pH from 11 to 9.6 can be explained by the fact that acids were formed during the treatment of the model solution, which caused the decrease.

The energy efficiency of the AWPS operation was assessed by analyzing changes in the concentrations of the main component of the simulated solution (ammonium) and its derivatives using the example of nitrites and nitrates and a fixed operating time of 60 min. The use of electrolysis methods allowed the conversion of ammonium in an aqueous solution into derivatives - an aqueous solution of nitrites and nitrates, to record changes in their concentrations, and when using membrane electrolysis to obtain them in an ionic form, which is optimally suitable for plant nutrition and direct synthesis of nitrogen-containing fertilizers with simultaneous application by irrigation or spraying.

Author Biographies

V. I. Maksin, National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Dr of Chemical Sciences

M. V. Yatsiuk, Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of NAAS, Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine

Ph.D. in Geographical Sciences

E. M. Matselyuk, Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of NAAS, Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine

Ph.D. in Technical Sciences


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How to Cite
Levchuk, A., Maksin, V., Yatsiuk, M., Matselyuk, E., Novosad, A., & Lapshyn, S. (2024). CONVERSION OF AQUEOUS AMMONIA SOLUTIONS USING AN ADAPTIVE WATER PURIFICATION SYSTEM. Land Reclamation and Water Management, (2), 19 - 26.

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