Effect of the formulation on the properties of self-compacting concretes

  • O. V. Kovalenko Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS
  • O. Y. Yuzyuk Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS
Keywords: self-compacting concrete, recipe, physical and mechanical properties, technological properties, experimental-statistical models


The results of studies of the effect of the formulation on the technological and physicalmechanical properties of self-compacting concrete as a material for repair and restoration of reinforced concrete hydraulic structures of the water management and reclamation complex

Author Biography

O. V. Kovalenko, Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS



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How to Cite
Kovalenko, O., & Yuzyuk, O. (2017). Effect of the formulation on the properties of self-compacting concretes. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 105(1), 94 - 98. Retrieved from http://mivg.iwpim.com.ua/index.php/mivg/article/view/44

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