Determination of water quality data for remote sensing

  • S. A. Shevchuk Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS
  • I. A. Shevchenko Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS
Keywords: Geoinformation technologies (GIS), remote sensing, correlation, turbidity, chromaticity, estimated indexes, multispectral images, visual assessment of reservoirs, ecological status, lakes of Kyiv.


Modern approaches to the use o f remote sensing data to identify the main organoleptic characteristics o f water quality in the lakes o f Kyiv are given and the сomparison of them with the calculated indices o f the multispectral satellite images o f Landsa is made.

Author Biography

S. A. Shevchuk, Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS



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How to Cite
Shevchuk, S., & Shevchenko, I. (2016). Determination of water quality data for remote sensing. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 104(2), 16 - 25. Retrieved from

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