Substantiation of the treatment possibility of groundwater with an excess content of Fe2 + and Mn2 + by simplified aeration using a reagent-free scheme

  • D. V. Charny Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS
Keywords: iron removal, kinetics, thermodynamics, oxygen, abiotic, Fe2 , Mn2 , Fe (OH) 2 , oxidation catalyst, heterogeneous, catalysis, iron-manganese crusts litoavtotrofy, phases, solid, liquid, adsorption, microbiota, microbial, biogeochemical, cycle, pH, Eh, rH2


The analysis of traditional demanganation technologies is presented. The oxidation of dissolved forms – Fe2+ and Mn2+ by simplified aeration with atmospheric O2 is considered. A thermodynamic justification for the possibility of this process and the presence of an energy barrier in the oxidation of Mn2+ is given. The natural factors that contribute to overcoming the energy barrier, which at the same time are widely distributed in typical underground waters, are analyzed. The role of iron in this process, the phase difference — liquid/solid, the adsorption capacity of the solid phase relative to Mn2+ and the influence of the biogenic factor are shown. The biogeochemical cycle of manganese is analyzed. Based on the natural biogeochemical cycle of manganese, the industrial facilities have been constructed that provide a chain of technological processes capable to overcome the energy barrier using a reagent-free scheme when water with the excess concentrations of Fe2+ and Mn2+is demagnetized by oxidizing with atmospheric oxygen.

Author Biography

D. V. Charny, Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS



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How to Cite
Charny, D. (2016). Substantiation of the treatment possibility of groundwater with an excess content of Fe2 + and Mn2 + by simplified aeration using a reagent-free scheme. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 104(2), 48 - 56. Retrieved from

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