World experience of land consolidation
land consolidation, water users association,land use optimization, land reform
The most common and known methods of land consolidation in the world have been highlighted in this article. Based on good practical international experience, the key aspects of plans implementation for consolidation are presented, which can be used for further developments in Ukraine.
1. G. J. Roerink, O. I. Zovtonog, Towards Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture in Crimea, Ukraine: a plan for the Future. Altera, Wageningen, 2005. – 138 r.
2. Thomas, J. (2014): Safeguarding real property rights and rational use by conflicting private and public interests – The German approach. Geodetski Vestnik Vol. 58, No. 3/2014, p. 535.
3. Thomas, J. (2004): Modern land consolidation – recent trends on land consolidation in Germany. Paper from FIG symposium on modern land consolidation, Volvic, France p. 6.
4. Kopeva, D. et al. (2002): Land fragmentation and land consolidation in the agricultural sector – A case study from Bulgaria. FAO, p. 63-65.
5. Morten Hartvigsen. Land tenure, working paper №26 (2014): experiences with land consolidation and land banking in central and eastern Europe after 1989. FAO, p. 60-64.18.
6. Kasabov, M. (2005): Land consolidation and territorial organization in Bulgaria. Paper for FAO regional land consolidation workshop in Prague.
7. Georgieva, A. (2005): Land consolidation models: The World Bank experience in Bulgaria. Paper for 4CLI land consolidation workshop in Budapest.
8. Stoyanov, K. (2006): New approaches for land consolidation in Bulgaria. Paper for FAO regional land consolidation workshop in Prague.
9. Kovalenko P.І. Na shlyahu do transformacіyi upravlіnnya zroshennyam v Ukrayinі/ P.І. Kovalenko, O.І. Ghovtonog // Vіsnyk agrarnoyi nauky, № 3.— 2004.-s.5-11.
10.Rol asocіacіy vodokorystuvachіv u stalomu vykorystannі zroshuvanyh zemel/ O.І. Ghovtonog, V.V. Polіschuk, T.F. Demenkova, І.A. Shostak // Vodne gospodarstvo Ukrayiny, №1.- 2008.–S.17-25.
2. Thomas, J. (2014): Safeguarding real property rights and rational use by conflicting private and public interests – The German approach. Geodetski Vestnik Vol. 58, No. 3/2014, p. 535.
3. Thomas, J. (2004): Modern land consolidation – recent trends on land consolidation in Germany. Paper from FIG symposium on modern land consolidation, Volvic, France p. 6.
4. Kopeva, D. et al. (2002): Land fragmentation and land consolidation in the agricultural sector – A case study from Bulgaria. FAO, p. 63-65.
5. Morten Hartvigsen. Land tenure, working paper №26 (2014): experiences with land consolidation and land banking in central and eastern Europe after 1989. FAO, p. 60-64.18.
6. Kasabov, M. (2005): Land consolidation and territorial organization in Bulgaria. Paper for FAO regional land consolidation workshop in Prague.
7. Georgieva, A. (2005): Land consolidation models: The World Bank experience in Bulgaria. Paper for 4CLI land consolidation workshop in Budapest.
8. Stoyanov, K. (2006): New approaches for land consolidation in Bulgaria. Paper for FAO regional land consolidation workshop in Prague.
9. Kovalenko P.І. Na shlyahu do transformacіyi upravlіnnya zroshennyam v Ukrayinі/ P.І. Kovalenko, O.І. Ghovtonog // Vіsnyk agrarnoyi nauky, № 3.— 2004.-s.5-11.
10.Rol asocіacіy vodokorystuvachіv u stalomu vykorystannі zroshuvanyh zemel/ O.І. Ghovtonog, V.V. Polіschuk, T.F. Demenkova, І.A. Shostak // Vodne gospodarstvo Ukrayiny, №1.- 2008.–S.17-25.
How to Cite
Chorna, K. (2016). World experience of land consolidation. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 104(2), 93 - 96. Retrieved from