Features of the restoration and protection of concrete of the hydrotechnical structures of water-reclamation complex
The main methods of restoration of concrete with the use of modern composite materials for repair and reconstruction of hydraulic structures of water-reclamation complex are covered. Factors affecting the process of destruction of concrete, typical types of defects and damages of concrete and reinforced concrete structures are considered. The main principles of selection of repair compositions are revealed depending on the nature and extent of damage, the influence of quantitative and qualitative composition on their technological and operational properties.
2. Patent na korysnu model №56750. Prosochuvalna polіmerna kompozycіya / Kovalenko O.V., Lytvynenko P.Ye.- 2011, Byul.№2.
3. Patent na korysnu model №93578. Sposіb zahystu ta remontu budіvelnyh konstrukcіy / Kovalenko O.V., Ageyev A.O., Sakara O.Yu.- 2014.- Byul. № 19.
4. Patent na korysnu model №93935. Sposіb zahystu ta remontu budіvelnyh konstrukcіy / Kovalenko O.V., Ageyev A.O., Sakara O.Yu.- 2014.- Byul. № 20.
5. Patent na korysnu model № 94245. Sposіb zahystu ta remontu budіvelnyh konstrukcіy. / Kovalenko O.V., Ageyev A.O., Sakara O.Yu.- 2014.- Byul. № 21.
6. Patent na korysnu model № 76451. Sposіb zahystu ta remontu zalіzobetonnyh konstrukcіy / Kovalenko O.V., Kruchenyuk V.D.— 2013.- Byul. № 1.
7. Patent na korysnu model № 76452. Sposіb ukrіplennya і zahystu budіvelnyh konstrukcіy / Kovalenko O.V., Kruchenyuk V.D.— 2013. Byul. № 1.
8. Kovalenko O.V. Rekomendacіyi z tehnologіyi іn¢yekcіynoyi gіdroіzolyacіyi betonnyh ta zalіzobetonnyh gіdrotehnіchnyh sporud vodogospodarsko-melіoratyvnogo kompleksu іz zastosuvannyam polіmernyh kompozycіy / O.V. Kovalenko, V.D. Kruchenyuk // ІVPіM.- K.: vydavnyctvo «DІA».- 2015.- 56 s.
9. Patent na korysnu model № 93585. Suha budіvelna sumіsh dlya remontnyh gіdroіzolyuyuchyh rozchynіv / Kovalenko O.V., Ageyev A.O.- 2014.— Byul. № 19.
10. Patent na korysnu model № 93586. Suha budіvelna sumіsh dlya remontnyh gіdroіzolyuyuchyh rozchynіv / Kovalenko O.V., Kruchenyuk V.D., Ageyev A.O.- 2014. Byul.— № 19.
11. Kovalenko O.V. Rekomendacіyi z tehnologіyi konstrukcіynogo remontu betonnyh ta zalіzobetonnyh gіdrotehnіchnyh sporud vodogospodarsko-melіoratyvnogo kompleksu іz zastosuvannyam polіmercementnyh suhyh budіvelnyh sumіshey / O.V. Kovalenko, V.D. Kruchenyuk, A.O. Ageyev // ІVPіM.- K.: vydavnyctvo «DІA».- 2015.- 96 s.
12. Kovalenko O.V. Rekomendacіyi z tehnologіyi polіmercementnoyi gіdroіzolyacіyi betonnyh ta zalіzobetonnyh gіdrotehnіchnyh sporud vodogospodarsko-melіoratyvnogo kompleksu / O.V. Kovalenko, V.D. Kruchenyuk // ІVPіM.- K.: vydavnyctvo «DІA».- 2015.- 63 s.