Water supply for winter wheat crops under the condition of global warming in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine
It is given the experimental data and results of meteorological observations at Zaporizhzhya SARS, which is located in the southern steppe zone of Ukraine. Based on years of research it was carried out a deep analysis and the forecast was made with respect to the accumulation and preservation of productive moisture in the soil under soft winter wheat in the conditions of global climate warming.
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3. Osoblyvostі formuvannya posuh v Ukrayinі ta zasoby borotby z nymy /P. І. Kovalenko, L. A. Fіlіpenko, O. І. Ghovtonog [ta іn.] // Vіsnyk agrarnoyi nauky. – 2002. – №12. – S.49–54.
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How to Cite
Romanenko, O., Konova, S., Balyoshenko, S., & Datsko, L. (2016). Water supply for winter wheat crops under the condition of global warming in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 103(1), 54 - 58. Retrieved from http://mivg.iwpim.com.ua/index.php/mivg/article/view/90