Groundwater regime in the area of possible impact of «Hotyslavskyy» career at the beginning of the development of loam and chalky deposits

  • O. O. Diatel Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS
  • O. V. Tsvyetova Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS
  • O. V. Turaeva Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS
Keywords: water drainage, background and critical characteristics, groundwater levels, fluctuation amplitude of RGV, reclamation state


The article deals with the question of the regime of groundwater in the area of the possible impact of career «Hotyslavskyy» at the initial stage of development of the second stage of operation. The detailed analysis of the regime of groundwater levels according reconnaissance observations.

Author Biography

O. V. Tsvyetova, Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS



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How to Cite
Diatel, O., Tsvyetova, O., & Turaeva, O. (2016). Groundwater regime in the area of possible impact of «Hotyslavskyy» career at the beginning of the development of loam and chalky deposits. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 103(1), 84 - 87. Retrieved from

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