Geoinformation modeling of Goryn river basin according to data of SRTM radar shooting by means of ArcGIS

  • A. Bondar Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS
Keywords: GIS / RS, river basin, digital model of relief, hydrographic modeling


The article deals with the questions of the spatial modeling of Goryn river basin. Provided detailed algorithms geo-modeling of this basin by means of ArcGIS according to satellite radar images SRTM (1 arc-second). It has been constructed a number of models that characterize the relief and river flow within the Goryn river basin.


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How to Cite
Bondar, A. (2018). Geoinformation modeling of Goryn river basin according to data of SRTM radar shooting by means of ArcGIS. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 103(1), 88 - 92. Retrieved from

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