Evaluation of technical state of objects of engineering infrastructure of ameliorative systems

  • O A Dekhtiar Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation NAAS
  • O V Kovalenko Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation NAAS
  • N G Bryuzgina Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation NAAS
Keywords: engineering infrastructure, reinforced concrete hydrotechnical structures, renovation, composite materials, technical condition


Relevance of research. Existing problems with the use of existing capacities of hydraulic structures, especially farmer networks, have led to a significant reduction in the area of ​​irrigation and drainage systems, and, consequently, to reduce yields. This is a qualitative, objective assessment of the current state of reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures, which will contribute to the adoption of balanced, scientifically sound solutions for their restoration and modernization.

In the article the modern state of the objects of engineering infrastructure of reclamation systems is investigated. Estimation of the technical condition of the overhead cover plates of the main pumping station of the Kakhovka Irrigation System, the Hydrotechnical Tunnel № 1 and the pumping stations of Inguletskoye, North-Rohachytsky irrigation systems, Irpin drainage and wetting, and also the number of other objects was completed.

The purpose of the work is to study the reinforced concrete structures of the GTS meliorative systems, assess their technical condition and justify their restoration measures to improve operational reliability.

Research methodology. Estimation of the current state of the objects of engineering infrastructure of land reclamation systems was carried out on the basis of analysis of technical documentation, visual assessment of the technical condition of structures, elements of structures, instrumental control of material properties and estimates.

Conclusions.The systematization of typical damages and defects of concrete and reinforced concrete hydrotechnical structures is carried out. The obtained data became the basis for scientifically based selection and development of effective materials and technologies for restoration of operational properties and improvement of the strength of structures of reclamation systems. In this regard, the technology department for the repair of concrete and reinforced concrete structures with the use of polymeric and polymer-cement composite materials of different designation, which in a complex allow to solve the problems of restoration and reconstruction of the GTS from the emergency liquidation of active leaks, is investigated and developed in the department of exploitation of IWPLR NAAS in designs and ending with the restoration of the surface and the geometric shape of the structures.


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How to Cite
Dekhtiar, O., Kovalenko, O., & Bryuzgina, N. (2018). Evaluation of technical state of objects of engineering infrastructure of ameliorative systems. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 107(1), 102 - 109. https://doi.org/10.31073/mivg201801-106

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