Keywords: irrigated agriculture, drip irrigation systems, drip outlets, biological pollution, flushing, electrochemically activated low-concentration salt solutions, anolyte, sodium hypochlorite


The practice of using drip irrigation systems shows that contamination of drip outlets, including products of organic origin, is a serious threat to their reliable operation. In Ukraine, to combat such contamination, drip irrigation pipelines are flushed with environmentally hazardous 15% sodium hypochlorite AquaDoctor made in China. At the same time, there is evidence in the world practice of the possibility of effective use of environmentally friendly electrochemically activated low-concentrated saline solutions, in particular, anolyte, for such purposes. The analysis of the domestic market of disinfectants, bactericidal agents and antiseptics suggested that the anolyte "Crystal" produced by PE "Personnel Lux" (Kharkiv), which has a high biocidal effect. Kharkiv), which has a high biocidal activity at a mass total concentration of 0.1% of ADR, and electrochemically activated low-concentrated sodium hypochlorite "Secobren" with a hypochlorite content of up to 0.06% produced by "UKRTEK PRODUCT" LLC (Kyiv), which may have similar properties, can be used for flushing drip outlets.

Laboratory and field studies have been conducted to determine the possibility of flushing drip irrigation pipelines with electrochemically activated low-concentrated saline solutions to remove contamination of drip irrigation outlets with products of organic origin. The study was conducted during the flushing of drip irrigation pipelines with integrated drippers from ASSIF (METZER, Israel) with AquaDoctor, Crystal and Secobren disinfectants. Laboratory studies were conducted in the laboratory of the Institute of Plant Industry and Mechanics of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, accredited in the UkrSEPRO system, and field studies were conducted on subsurface drip irrigation systems in Cherkasy and Kyiv regions. For flushing in the field, the "Forced installation of supply and mixing of PUPS" developed by IRRIGATOR UKRAINE LLC was used.

The results of laboratory and field studies have shown that the washing capabilities of environmentally safe products "Kristal" and "Secobren" are comparable to those of environmentally hazardous hypochlorite "AquaDoctor". This makes it expedient to conduct further research to develop the technology of washing drip outlets depending on the nature and intensity of their pollution.

Author Biographies

M. I. Romashchenko, Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Dr. of Technical Sciences

B. I. Konakov, Kyiv Agrarian University of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

Ph.D. in Technical Sciences

V. V. Polishchuk, Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of NAAS, Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine

Ph.D in Agricultural Sciences

I. O. Kovalenko, Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of NAAS, Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine

Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences


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How to Cite
Romashchenko, M., Konakov, B., Timoshevskyi, A., Polishchuk, V., & Kovalenko, I. (2024). EVALUATION OF THE POSSIBILITY OF FLUSHING OF DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEMS WITH ELECTROCHEMICALLY ACTIVATED LOW-CONCENTRATION SALT SOLUTIONS. Land Reclamation and Water Management, (2), 45 - 54. https://doi.org/10.31073/mivg202402-390

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